Studienvertretung VW-SozÖk-SEEP


Student representatives for the Master's Programs Economics, Socioeconomics & Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy

View the Project on GitHub stv-vw-sozoek-seep/website

The Team

Sarah, Lea, Nino, Susann & Max

More about us.

Also check out our facebook page

follow us on Instagram

contact us via stv-vwsozoekseep [at]

or visit us on campus and next year in the new Master Student’ Room.

Our Master Student’ Room is under construction at the moment. In the future (approximately Oct 2025) you can use the new Master Student’ Room (Stufenraum) as a common room. Therefore, please check out the timetable and see what events are taking place there.

Plenary sessions (bi-weekly)

Our plenary sessions will be held every second Thursday at 7 pm in D4.0.120.

Student Guides

We have created a number of Guides to help you with your studies!

Which program is the right one for me?

These guides will try to help you decide which program (Econ, SozÖK, SEEP) is the right one for you!
Guide: Econ Introduction
Guide: SEEP Introduction
Guide: SozÖk Einführung
Guide: SozÖk Erfahrungsberichte

How to apply to the study programs?

These guides will lead you through the application process for Economics and SEEP. Sozioökonomie does not have a special application process at the moment.
Guide: Econ Application
Guide: SEEP Application

How to write your master thesis?

These guides will introduce you to the topic of writing your master thesis. We have compiled a few tips and tricks on how to get started in each of the programs.
Guide: Econ Master Thesis
Guide: SEEP Master Thesis

General Guides (Academic Writing, Residence Permit, Semester Abroad)

The following guides deal with the topic of a semester abroad in each of the Master programs as well as the general topics of scientific and academic writing as well as how to get a residence permit if you are a third country national.
Guide: Semester Abroad
Guide: Academic Writing
Guide: Residence Permit


Please check out our Instagram


Join our consent workshop. It is taking place in the common room on march 20 at 2pm until 5 pm.

R Tutorials for Women*

We have organized an R-Tutorial for women! This tutorial is open for everybody defining themselves as FLINT (female, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans). University is often very male-dominated. With this tutorial we want to explicitly support women/FLINT in these important fields. Please register here if you want to join.

Time: always 17:00 - 19:00 (5pm - 7pm)

Monday, March 11
Monday, March 18
Thursday, April 8
Monday, May 13

Movie Evening with Glühwein

We invite our Master’s program students to a movie night in the Stufenraum. On Wednesday, November 29th at 6pm we will watch the documentation “Das laute Frühlicht” in German with English subtitles and serve mulled wine for coziness. Please bring your own cup :)


The last Heuriger was on Friday, 10 November 2023 at 6 pm in the Hengl - Haselbrunner.

Semester Opening Party

We are excited to meet current and the new cohorts at the semester opening Party. It will take place in the Club U on the 6th of October 2023 at 10 pm.

R Tutorials for Women*

We have once again organized an R-Tutorial for women*! This tutorial is open for everybody defining themselves as FLINT* (female, lesbian, non-binary, trans). University is often very male-dominated. With this tutorial we want to explicitly support women*/FLINT* in these important fields. Please register via Mail: stv-vwsozoekseep [at] and check the FB-Event for Updates.

Time: always 17:00 - 19:00 (5pm - 7pm)

Welcome Event Master Economics.Socio-Economics.SEEP

We are excited to meet the new cohort at the welcome event of the Master’s programmes. You can find our presentation here.

R Tutorials (free of charge - free to join)

Time: always 18:00 - 20:00 (6pm - 8pm)

MS Teams

COVID 19 Distance Learning Survey

How is distance learning going so far? What needs to be improved? We, as your elected student representatives want to ensure that this semester, even with the limitations, can still be without negative effects for you. We therefore ask you for your feedback on the distance learning, which we will forward to the program coordinators.

Take part in our Survey!

VW Heuriger

The next VW Heuriger will be on Friday, 20 March 2020 at 6 p.m. at the 10er Marie. See FB-Event Unfortunately this event was cancelled due to the COVID-19 Outbreak.

Momentum Junior Fellowship Program

The Momentum Institute’s Junior Fellowship Program offers the opportunity to write master’s and doctoral theses in areas such as work, fiscal policy, environment - with professional and financial support: Apply now!

Punsch & Plenum | Punch & Plenary

It’s that time again - we’re celebrating the end of the year! We’re therefore very happy to invite you to punch and cookies, in our Econ.SocEcon.SEEP Room in D4. There will be punch as long as it lasts - at 19:30 we will go to the Punschstände in front of LC. We will also use the time to discuss projects and ideas for the next year. We’re very much looking forward to seeing you there! Event


“Let’s talk about Economics - Perceptions in Media and Society” Issue 18 | March 2020 | PDF

“Die Ökonomie als Wissenschaft” Ausgabe Nummer 17 | Juni 2019 | PDF

“Arbeitsverhältnisse” Ausgabe Nummer 16 | Mai 2018 | PDF

“Nachhaltigkeit.” Ausgabe Nummer 15 Oktober 2017 | PDF

“Die verlorene Ausgabe - Die Standpunkte sind zurück” Ausgabe Nummer 14 | März 2017 | PDF “Volldampf Voraus! - Wege aus der Krise” Ausgabe Nummer 13 | April 2015 | PDF

“Mit vielen Brillen - Ökonomie als plurale Wissenschaft” Ausgabe Nummer 12 | Mai 2014 | PDF

“Was kostet die Welt? - Wie bewertet man das Unbezahlbare?” Ausgabe Nummer 11 | November 2012 | PDF

“Spaziergang um den Tellerrand - Ökonomische Kritik und Alternativen” Ausgabe Nummer 10 | Februar 2012 | PDF

“Backe, Backe Kuchen - die Ökonomie hat gerufen: Rezepte zur Zukunft” Ausgabe Nummer 9 | Oktober 2011 | PDF

“Schmerzfrei Wachsen - Nachhaltigkeit aus ökonomischer Perspektive” Ausgabe Nummer 8 | März 2011 | PDF

“Business Needs Banking - Banken, Geld, Kredite: Eine unendliche Geschichte” Ausgabe Nummer 7 | Juni 2010 | PDF

“Bachelor of Multiple Choice - Bildung und Ökonomie” Ausgabe Nummer 6 | März 2010 | PDF

“Der Turm stürzt ein! - Schwerpunkt Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise” Ausgabe Nummer 5 | Jänner 2009 | PDF

“Eine Frage der Verteilung - Aspekte der Einkommensverteilung in Österreich” Ausgabe Nummer 4 | Juni 2008 | PDF

“Wealth of Nations? - Möglichkeiten und Hindernisse der Finanzierung internationaler Entwicklung” Ausgabe Nummer 3 | März 2008 | PDF

“Wohin geht die EU? - Überlegungen zu ökonomischen und politischen Herausforderungen der europäischen Integration” Ausgabe Nummer 2 | November 2007 | PDF

“Sind Österreichs Reiche zu arm? - Die Debatte um die Abschaffung der Erbschaftssteuer” Ausgabe Nummer 1 | Mai 2007 | PDF

Our reports to the University Representation (ÖH)

ÖH Report Wintersemester 18/19 PDF
ÖH Report Wintersemester 19/20 - 1 PDF
ÖH Report Wintersemester 19/20 - 2 PDF